Tip of the Week
Mind Games: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.
Still More Table Tennis Tips
My book "Still More Table Tennis Tips" is now on sale at Amazon! It's in both print and kindle. It's 150 Tips from 2017 to the present, organized in logical order and progression, with much of the wording updated and cleaned up. It's the third in the series, after Table Tennis Tips and More Table Tennis Tips. I've dropped the price on all three - they cost $12 each, or $7 for kindle. It's 187 pages with seven chapters:
- Serve and Receive (15 tips)
- Strokes (23 tips)
- Footwork (10 tips)
- Tactics (45 tips)
- Improving (37 tips)
- Sports Psychology (17 tips)
- Doubles (3 tips)
Why not buy the complete set of three? You've got lots of free time to read now, right?
A special thanks to Mark Dekeyser, John Olsen, and Dennis Taylor, who (as they did for the first two books), gave the book a thorough proofing. The book was originally going to come out on June 1, but they got back to me quickly, and these days it doesn't take long to publish. (Here are all 17 of my books. If you buy one, I'll be able to afford dinner tonight!)
When Will They Let Us Play Table Tennis Again?
Here's the cartoon! (I had some free time.)
Numerical Musings on Table Tennis and the Coronavirus and Other Issues
I finally found a use for my math degree! (Skip ahead if your eyes start to glaze over.)