The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Table Tennis Players
I've been thinking a lot recently about the seven habits of highly effective table tennis players. Why? Because I recently browsed a book I'd read long ago, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." The book lists these as the "7 Habits": 1) Be proactive; 2) Begin with the End in Mind; 3) Put First Things First; 4) Think Win/Win; 5) Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood; 6) Synergize; and 7) Sharpen the Saw. (Google the book if you want more info on any of these seven.)
There is a correlation between some of these and the habits of "highly effective table tennis players." For example, you don't get to be a top player without being proactive, i.e. striving to do what it takes to improve. However, I'm not going to try to create a one-to-one correlation between the seven habits listed and ones used by top table tennis players. Instead, I'm going to list my own list of seven habits of "highly effective table tennis players. Here's my list:
- Loves to practice.
- Proactive in finding ways to improve.
- A perfectionist in most or all aspects of the game.
- Is always thinking about their game, analytically and tactically.
- Never gives up, whether in tournaments or practice.
- Loves to compete and win.
- Is working toward specific goals, both short-, intermediate-, and long-term.
One item I tried to work in but couldn't find room: "Respects opponent's game even while looking to dominate them." So . . . what's your list?
The Backhand No-Spin Serve From the Forehand Court