June 24, 2024

Tip of the Week
Leave Your Comfort Zone to Develop Strategically.

First Galactic Table Tennis Championships
If you didn’t read it last week, you can still read First Galactic Table Tennis Championships – it’s FREE!!! Aliens from around the galaxy come to Earth for the championship. I had a LOT of fun creating all those aliens, plus there’s lots of intrigue – bribery and blackmail! I also worked in a number of my own experiences into the story, including my infamous quarter-pounders with cheese debacle when I won the 1980 North Carolina Open. Here’s the review at PingSunday.

I have another story that came out on Friday, “Don’t Look!” at the Sci-Phi Journal. And just this morning I sold “Life and Death and Bongo Drums” to the “Ruth and Ann’s Guide to Time Travel” Anthology. (Alas, no table tennis in these latter two.)

Illegal USATT Chair
It’s now been 505 days (72 weeks) since USATT elected Richard Char to an illegal third term as chair of the USATT board on Feb. 6, 2023. I’ve twice emailed the board on this. I blogged about it on Feb. 12, 2024 and Feb. 19, 2024. History will not look fondly on this chair and a majority of the current board that has gone along with it, nor the CEO who wrote an email supporting this. Neither will voters in the USATT elections this Fall. (Plus, of course, the CEO shouldn’t be involved in decisions about who chairs the very group she reports to.) I’ve blogged about various USATT issues quite a bit, and will do so again as the elections approach.

Sandbagging in Utah – Part 3
I wrote about this in my last two blogs, with links to the petition on Change.org and to the Facebook Discussion. Mario has posted an apology on Facebook and says he’s returned the money.

Major League Table Tennis
Follow the action!

Butterfly Training Tips

Yang Xiaoxin's Serve Analysis
Here’s the video (1:4) from PongSpace.

New from Performance Biomechanics Academy Table Tennis

What is the Difference Between ‘Topspin’ and ‘Loop’ in Table Tennis?
Here’s the article by Tom Lodziak.

Illegal Serve - the Biggest Problem in Table Tennis
Here’s the video (10:21) from PingSunday/EmRatThich. (The illegal serve issue doesn’t come up until 1:50.)

Penhold Grip: How To Learn and Practice with the Penhold Grip
Here’s the video (6:15) from Pingispågarna.

Ask the Coach
Here are the latest questions and answers from PingSkills.

New from Steve Hopkins/Butterfly


Old Ping-Pong Comic Covers
Here are three that I saw recently.

It’s Only Ping Pong Said the Loser
Here’s where you can buy the shirt or mug at Amazon.

Level 1-10 (India)
Here’s the video (15 min) from Adam Bobrow!

Send us your own coaching news!