My books
It has come to my attention that some of you have not yet bought copies of my books. Buy a copy of my book today or I will choke this coach to death.
- Table Tennis Tales & Techniques
- Table Tennis Steps to Success
- Pings & Pongs: The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of Larry Hodges
The hard-soft drill
One of the best drills for developing a forehand or backhand smash is the hard-soft drill. (It really should be called the hard-medium drill, but that doesn't have quite the same ring.) On the backhand side, you just go backhand to backhand, with one player playing steady, and the other alternating between an aggressive ("medium") drive and a smash or near-smash ("hard"). You do the same on the forehand side. This leads to much longer and more consistent rallies than if one player just smashes every ball, plus the attacking player learns to hit at different paces. It's also a great control drill for the steady player, who learns to react to the different paces rather than just stick his racket out and blocking the same ball over and over. Note that you can also do this drill for looping.
The backhand loop in front of the body