
Larry Hodges' Blog and Tip of the Week will normally go up on Mondays by 2:00 PM USA Eastern time. Larry is a member of the U.S. Table Tennis Hall of Fame, a USATT Certified National Coach, a professional coach at the Maryland Table Tennis Center (USA), and author of ten books and over 2100 articles on table tennis, plus over 1900 blogs and over 600 tips. Here is his bio. (Larry was awarded the USATT Lifetime Achievement Award in July, 2018.)

Make sure to order your copy of Larry's best-selling book, Table Tennis Tactics for Thinkers!
Finally, a tactics book on this most tactical of sports!!!

Also out - Table Tennis TipsMore Table Tennis Tips, Still More Table Tennis Tips, and Yet Still More Table Tennis Tips, which cover, in logical progression, his Tips of the Week from 2011-2023, with 150 Tips in each!

Or, for a combination of Tales of our sport and Technique articles, try Table Tennis Tales & Techniques. If you are in the mood for inspirational fiction, The Spirit of Pong is also out - a fantasy story about an American who goes to China to learn the secrets of table tennis, trains with the spirits of past champions, and faces betrayal and great peril as he battles for glory but faces utter defeat. Read the First Two Chapters for free!

Capital Area Team League and Other Team Leagues

If you live in the Maryland/Virginia/DC area, it's time to sign up for the Capital Area Team League! Deadline is Sept. 7 (though the page currently still lists it as July 31). Season One had 73 players on 13 teams; why not join us for Season Two? There's nothing better than competing on a team, with your teammates screaming for you every point!  

As I've blogged before, I now chair the USATT League Committee. (I'm too busy during the summer to do much work on this, but will be getting very busy starting in September.) I'm working setting up a prototype team league, using my experience with the Capital Area Team League and learning from other team leagues (both USA and overseas, and table tennis and other sports) to create a league that can be set up in other regions throughout the U.S. I'm also taking over as webmaster for the Capital Area Team League – I'll be working on that much of today. (I'm on the Capital Area Team League committee, along with Stefano Ratti, John Olsen, and Richard Heo.)

Team Leagues are why countries in Europe measure their memberships often in the hundreds of thousands, with huge league numbers in countries like Germany and England. USA needs to follow in their footsteps, but it's going to take time to build it up. But it won't happen until we create such a prototype league that can spread to all regions.

But there will always be the naysayers who can't get imagine anything beyond the status quo.  

  • In 1992 I co-founded the Maryland Table Tennis Center with Cheng Yinghua and Jack Huang. We were told there weren't enough players to support a full-time training center. We're now in our 24th year, with seven full-time coaches.
  • For years I advocated more full-time training clubs in the U.S., but I was told there aren't enough players in the U.S. to support more than a few. Now there are about 80 of them, with more popping up regularly. There were no more than ten just eight years ago.
  • For years I've argued that if we had more juniors training seriously, we could successfully compete internationally, but I was told there would never be enough juniors training seriously in the U.S. to compete internationally. Now we have far more juniors training seriously and our top juniors are successfully competing internationally. Our top cadets can compete with any team outside China, which would have been mind-boggling to us just a few years ago.)
  • For years I've argued that if we promoted the U.S. Open and Nationals we could break out of the "rut" of the usual 600 players each year, but I was told there weren't enough serious players in the U.S. to get more. Now we are getting 1000+ players.
  • When I was first hired as editor of USATT Magazine I was told that we'd saturated the advertising market and couldn't get more ad revenue. I tripled the ad revenue in four years. In my second tenure I was told the same, and I tripled it again in eight years. (USATT Magazine has been replaced by USATT Insider.)
  • For years I've argued we need Team Leagues all over the U.S. like they do overseas, and again I'm told there aren't enough players in the U.S. to support more than a few. Stay tuned!!! (And why not be part of the solution – contact me if you are interested in running a Team League in your area.)

Here are Team Leagues you can join – assuming you are within driving distance! Let me know if there are any I missed.

Ask the Coach

Episode #163 (24:34) – Waldner's Movement and other segments.

Forehand Pendulum Serve

Here's video (5:11) from a few years ago, but I don't think I've ever linked to it. It's a tutorial on the forehand pendulum serve, titled, "Learning Ma Lin Serves Step by Step." (Ma Lin was one of the best servers in the world before he retired a few years ago.) There doesn't seem to be sound except for music near the end, but the instructions are captioned on the screen and demonstrated.

Inside Information: Learn How to Improve Your Ball Placement

Here's the new coaching article from Samson Dubina. (I linked to his site on Wednesday, but not directly to this new article.)

Zhang Jike's Infamous Backhand Loop in Slow Motion Against Fang Bo

Here's the video (15 sec) from Matt Hetherington (currently training in China).

Sam Walker: Entering the Bundesliga

Here's the new podcast (28:18) from Expert Table Tennis.

China Open

Here's the home page where you can follow the action in Chengdu, China, Aug. 5-9. (Breaking news: Zhang Jike just lost in the round of 16 to Chuang Chih-Yuan of Taiwan!)

International Table Tennis

Here's my periodic note (usually every Friday) that you can great international coverage at TableTennista (which especially covers the elite players well) and at the ITTF home page (which does great regional coverage). Butterfly also has a great news page.

Jorgen Persson in a Reality Show

Here's the article from Tabletennista.

Playing on an LCD Table?

Here's video (8:51) of Samsonov playing Ma Long on a LCD table in the recent Asia vs. Europe Challenge. See the discussion below, and here. It must be pretty distracting playing on what's essentially a huge TV screen that constantly changes!

Great Hand-Changing Point

Here's the video (24 sec) of Cuba's Andy Pereira (world #172) switching hands and winning the point against Portugal's Marcos Freitas (world #10) in this battle of lefties.

Great Exhibition Point Between Timo Boll and Jorgen Persson

Here's the video (62 sec).

The Feel of Table Tennis vs. Reality

Here's the article and rather weird video from Table Tennis Nation.

Frank Caliendo Takes on Donald Trump

Here's the video (1:49) as USATT member Frank (USATT #85108, rating 1665, from Tempe, AZ) impersonates The Donald for ESPN. (Frank's been to my club a few times when doing stand-up locally, and I got to play doubles with him once.)

So, who would win in a table tennis match between these two, Frank or The Donald

"Must This Family Always Talk Sports at the Dinner Table?"

Here's the cartoon!

Non-Table Tennis - The Critique Circle, i.e. The Circle of Strife

Here's a picture of the nine members of the Short Story Group at the science fiction & fantasy writing workshop I recently attended, July 24 – Aug. 1. (Picture was taken by Jeanne Cavelos, the workshop leader, who joined in about half our meetings. Here's the non-Facebook version.) That's me in the back middle, holding a pen to my mouth. There were 23 in the workshop, but the others were in the novel groups. (I was in one of the novel groups last year.) While there were numerous group activities – see my blog on August 5 – central to such workshops are the critique sessions. We each submitted three stories in advance, and others in the group read and critiqued them. During the sessions we went around the circle, with each person giving a five-minute critique of the story. Afterwards the author discussed the work with the group for fifteen minutes. And then the written critiques were given to the author, and we went to the next story. The attendees are all graduates of the six-week Odyssey writing workshop, and so are all experienced in this type of activity, and the critiques are generally both long and in depth.

Send us your own coaching news!

Top Ten Things if Donald Trump Were Running USATT…

A little fun with Photoshop this morning!

  1. He'll make USA players competitive with the Chinese. "I will build a great training center — and nobody builds training centers better than me, believe me —and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great training center, and I will make China pay for that training center. Mark my words."
  2. All USATT members would receive a free "Make USATT Great Again" red baseball cap, a Trump hairpiece, and a copy of Trump's luxurious new book, "Table Tennis Tactics for Bombastic Egotistical Blowhards." (Hey, wait a minute!)
  3. As a championship player, he'd personally teach our players how to defeat the Chinese, explaining, "When was the last time anybody saw us beating, let's say, China in a ping-pong match? They kill us. I beat China all the time. All the time."
  4. The rules would have to be changed so that 1) orange balls cannot be used as they would be lost in the background of Trump's hair; 2) hair cannot be used to hide contact when serving; and 3) shots made by contacting the ball with hair shall be illegal.
  5. He'd make China send us their best players to train USA players, explaining, "When China sends its players, they're not sending the best. They're sending people that have lots of technical problems and they're bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing bad technique. They’re bringing bad training habits. They’re weak players. ... And some, I assume, are good players."
  6. He'd donate money to all segments of table tennis – top players, officials, clubs, leagues, hardbat & sandpaper - and remind us every few minutes that "I'm very wealthy."
  7. USA players would no longer be allowed to use topspin. "The concept of topspin was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. players non-competitive."
  8. The US Open, USA Nationals, North American Teams, USA Team Trials, and all other USATT sanctioned tournaments would be played in the penthouse at Trump Tower.
  9. USATT would keep its name, but it would now stand for, "USA Trump Trump."
  10. I'll be packing my bags. Since I wrote the above, and I'm on the USATT Board of Directors, the first thing Trump would say to me when we he takes over is, "You're fired."

Expert Table Tennis

Their home page features four of Ben Larcombe's most popular articles:

Ask the Coach Show

Episode #162 (26:25) – Zig Zag Serves (and other segments).

How Does Your Cerebellum Counteract "Paralysis by Analysis"?

Here's the article from Psychology Today. (One of the things I stress regularly, and in my Table Tennis Tactics for Thinkers book, is that most tactics must become subconscious.)

How to Serve like Koki Niwa

Here's the video (12:38). It's in Japanese, Chinese, or Korean, with subtitles in one of these languages (can anyone identify the languages?), but you can learn by watching.

Jimmy Butler and Lily Zhang on the NBC Today Show

Here's the video (7:36, with table tennis starting from 4:57 to 6:21). The broadcast also features golf, track and field, Paralympic wheelchair racing, and (after the table tennis segment) weight lifting. Here are five pictures from Jimmy's Facebook page. Here's USATT coverage.

World Team Championships Gets Smaller

Here's the article from Tabletennista, about the ITTF putting limits on the number of teams allowed. "From more than 200 teams (110 for men and 95 for women) in 2014, it will now become 96 teams for each of the men and women division." So while it won't affect women's teams much (at least right now), it'll mean cutting 14 teams on the men's side. (This is unlikely to affect Team USA.) Personally, I think they should go back to the old format, where they had the Worlds every two years, with singles, doubles, and team events. Now they alternate, one year with singles and doubles, the next with teams. This might be fine for the very best teams, but for the years when they run just singles and doubles, for most countries it means spending a lot of money to send a bunch of players who'll be out of everything after just a few matches. ​

Disabled Players Have Paralympic Hopes

Here's the article from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Footwork Training in the Ocean

Here's the video (14 sec) of Eliza Samara (world #17, from Romania) in training! Presumably that's the Atlantic Ocean.

Chinese Table Tennis Exercise Music Video

Here's the video (7:23) of a huge number of juniors in China, all in matching yellow & black uniforms, shadow practice in unison to music.

Clayton Kershaw's Ping Pong Charity Events

Here's the article from Table Tennis Nation.

Great Point

Here's the video (57 sec, including slo mo replay).

Giant Ping-Pong Robot

Here's the article and videos from Table Tennis Nation.

More Mike Mezyan Pictures

NOTE - If you are unable to see these pictures, all you have to do is join the Table Tennis Group - it's easy! Here are all the past, present, and (soon) future pictures he's collected. (I pick out his best ones for here - he has more.)

Ping-Pong Ball Breakfast

Here's the video. Go to 1:11, and see the ping-pong segment as we get . . . poached pong?

Send us your own coaching news!

Larry, the video in Chinese Table Tennis Exercise Music Video is not an original but a copy. The original is by E.L.I.T.E. Table Tennis Club and can be found here:

The moves make much more sense with the original music as well.


Tip of the Week

Get to the Root of the Problem. (Adapted from Monday, July 20 blog.)

Sometimes Small Things Are Big Things

I was coaching a player a couple days ago who tended to start his forehand loop drive with his upper body. This is a common problem, and leads to players "muscling" the ball, i.e. straining to create power with just their upper body. Large players often get away with this, as they can create sufficient power this way, but it means straining, which means they lose control as well as having only good power instead of great power. It also invariably leads to injuries.

But telling a player who strokes with just his upper body to use his lower body (legs, hips, waist) doesn't usually work. It's a big change, and incorporating all those lower body movements into a nice, smooth stroke throws the timing off, leading to all sorts of problems. What to do?

They key is to start small. Just have the player use a little lower body to get the upper body started. Once this is done, it all starts to fall into place – as it did here. After a few minutes the player was smoothly ripping shot after shot as I fed him multiball.

Non-Table Tennis: What I Did on My Vacation

(Skip ahead of this for lots of table tennis links below.)
I was in Manchester, NH, July 24 – Aug. 1, for the "The Never-Ending Odyssey" (TNEO), an eight-day writing workshop for graduates of the six-week Odyssey Science Fiction & Fantasy Writing Workshop. I went to Odyssey in 2006, and have been to TNEO now six times. Here's a group picture of the participants this year (23, with one missing). Our fearless leader, who has run Odyssey for 20 years, is Jeanne Cavelos, who is in front, fourth from the right. (Here's my science fiction & fantasy page. That's what I do when I'm not doing TT!)

What do we do there? It's an incredibly busy schedule, including:

  • Group Critiquing. We do three hours of this each morning, where we go around the circle, critiquing stories or novel chapters. I was in the short story group (9 or 10 people each day), and had three stories critiqued:
    • "Galahad Returns," a humorous fantasy where Sir Galahad, who has been given super powers from "The Finger of God," returns from 1500 years searching the galaxy for the Holy Grail and ends up jousting with fighter jets and getting mixed up in presidential politics as he learns that honesty is not always the best policy.
    • "Old Tuna," a humorous science fiction story about an alien invasion – from the point of view of a house cat.
    • "Tooth Apocalypse," a straight science fiction/fantasy story (it's borderline both) about alien poachers who hunt and kill humans to near extinction for their teeth to sell on the galactic black market, since many aliens believe they have magical properties. It's a metaphorical take on rhino horn and elephant tusk poaching.
  • Master Class on "The Key ingredients of Plot." Each TNEO has a different Master class, which the students themselves teach. They involve about 2.5 hours each afternoon.
  • Brain-Storming, Plot Breakout, and Problem-Solving Session. For these we got together in smaller groups (3-5) and basically brainstormed about specific story problems.  
  • Readings. There were two informal readings where we take turns reading our stories (and getting feedback), plus the annual "Smash Reading" at the local Barnes & Noble, where we each did readings roughly five minutes long. Here's a picture of me reading my story, "Happily and Righteously," a parody about paranoia. (Here's the non-Facebook version.) The story is in my science fiction & fantasy anthology, "Pings and Pongs," which contains 30 of my best sold stories. (I've sold 71, and will soon have a new anthology out with 30 more stories, "More Pings and Pongs.")
  • Salons. These were at night, where we got together and discussed and did various writing activities.
  • Walking. The dorms were ten minutes from the meeting area, and involved a gentle incline. Let's just say writers are not as fit as table tennis players, and the distinction really came out during these walks!

Chen Bowen: Mr. Athlete

Here's the feature article I wrote for USATT on one of MDTTC's premier player/coach/practice partners.

Other Blogs and News Items

While I was away (since July 24), there were a lot of blog and news items that went up. Here are some links.

New Coaching Articles from Han Xiao

McAfee's Mechanics: Improving Your Anticipation Skills

Here's the new coaching article.

Timing is Everything

Here's the coaching article from Jon Gustavson of Jon's Table Tennis Training in Lawrenceville, Georgia.

Always Expect Your Serve to Be Returned

Here's the new coaching article by UK Coach Tom Lodziak.

ITTF's Spins 'n' Skills

Here's the ITTF instructional video preview (54 sec), with short segments on the forehand and backhand.

Ask the Coach Show

They did three more episodes while I was gone:

Four-Year-Old Table Tennis Coach

Here's video (22 sec) of four-year-old Shia teaching his cousin Charles how to hit forehands and backhands. He's after my job!!!

ITTF Monthly Pongcast – July 2015

Here's the video (11:45).

New Podcasts from Expert Table Tennis

Outrageous Backhand Flip by Xu Xin

Here's the video (15 sec, including slo-mo replay). Note that the sidespin is the opposite of what you get on a regular "banana" backhand flip. When done this way it's sometimes called a "strawberry" flip. I've written about it before, such as on Dec. 27, 2011 and on Sept. 18, 2014.

MDTTC August Newsletter

Here it is. (Disclosure: I'm the editor.)

Navin Kumar in the News (Again!)

Here's more media coverage of Navin, who has a partially mechanical heart and Parkinson's. (Disclosure: he's a student of mine.)

Star Studded Field Set to Compete at ITTF World Tour China Open

Here's the ITTF press release.

Samsonov vs. Ma Long and the Asia vs. Europe Challenge

Here's the video (8:51) as Samsonov battles the world champion in the Asia vs. Europe Challenge, with links to other videos. Europe "upset" Asia, but was helped by the apparent rule of only one player per country, so Ma Long was the only Chinese player. Team Asia was Ma Long (CHN), Jun Mizutani (JPN), Tang Peng (HKG), Chuang Chih-Yuan (TPE), and Alamiyan Noshad (Iran). Team Europe was Vladimir Samsonov (BLR), Marcos Freitas (POR), Robert Gardos (AUT), Bastian Steger (GER), and Andrej Gacina (CRO). Here's an article and complete results, and here's an article from Tabletennista.

Behind-the-Back Running Backhand Kill

Here's the video (15 sec). Technically, he hit that with the forehand side of his racket!

Chop Lob and Behind-the-Back Counter-Smash

Here's the video (16 sec) of Adam Bobrow demonstrating the basics.

Table Tennis and More

Here's the music video (71 sec) from the Phoenix, Arizona club.

Ma Long vs. Ding Ning Bounce Challenge

Here's the video (49 sec).

More Mike Mezyan Pictures

NOTE - If you are unable to see these pictures, all you have to do is join the Table Tennis Group - it's easy! Here are all the past, present, and (soon) future pictures he's collected. (I pick out his best ones for here - he has more.)

Obama vs. Ali Kamenei (Iran Leader)

Here's the table tennis cartoon. (Here's the non-Facebook version.) Whoever did the cartoon got it right – Obama is using a proper forehand pendulum serve grip, and Kamenei has a proper shakehands grip. I'm impressed!

Send us your own coaching news!

Alas, I need one more day before I start blogging again. Stuff piled up while I was away and my todo list is currently holding me in a headlock and threatening to break my paddle if I don't attend to its needs. I'll start up again tomorrow - I put that on the todo list. Now, let's see what's next on the list . . . and then this . . . oh shoot, I think I forgot about this one . . . .

Last Blog Until Tuesday, August 4 Wednesday, August 5, and the Capital Area Team League

I'm going on vacation! When most people go on vacation, that means the beach, camping, an amusement park, or something like that. Me? I go to an annual science fiction & fantasy writing workshop in Manchester, NH – The Never-Ending Odyssey (TNEO). It's for graduates of the six-week Odyssey Writing Workshop – I went in 2006. This will be my sixth TNEO. I leave very early on Friday morning. (On a side note, I hurt my shoulder in a coaching session yesterday and had to have Coach Raghu substitute the rest of that session, and I'm taking today off as well, so maybe I need the rest.)

And if you live in the Capital area (Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia), don't miss the Capital Area Team League segment below – deadline to enter the Fall season is Sept 7.

Status Report

This seems like a good time to give a status report on all the things I promised to do when I was elected six months ago in January to a four-year term on the USATT Board of Directors – so I'm 1/8th of the way through my term. (I'm one of nine members.) I ran on five big issues, and 12 smaller ones – see my Election Page, where I talk about each, including the goals of each, and a link to where I blogged extensively about each one. (Much of the below refers to what I wrote on the Election page.) Let's go through them, one by one, and check the status. (Note that this is all volunteer – I don't get paid a cent.) One complication is that I'm very busy in the summer as a coach, since kids are out of school, so I can't do as much from June-August. I'll be a lot busier starting in September.


  1. Create a Nationwide System of Regional Team Leagues. I was recently appointed the new chair of the USATT League Committee. Earlier this year I helped start up the Capital Area Team League, using other successful leagues such as the LA League as models. I'm still in the learning phase, but plan to put together a prototype of a league that can spread to other regions. I hope to have such a prototype ready by the end of this year. This is closely linked to the next item, Regional Associations. In fact, the first three items here are all part of a new plan I'm putting together titled "Grow the Sport," which I'll go public with this fall. (See note on that in "Other USATT Stuff I'm Working On" segment below.)
  2. Create State and Regional Associations. I was recently appointed the volunteer USATT Regional Associations Coordinator. I've put together a rough map of what the regions might be, and a prototype set of bylaws an association could adapt for themselves, with any needed changes. I'll be working on this more this fall. Soon we'll be putting out a call for those who wish to get involved in their Regional Association. There are still things to be worked out – for example, do we go with the conventional setup of president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, etc., with them appointing club directors, coaching directors, tournament directors, and league directors? Or should these directors be the ones on the regional board of directors? I'll be studying how other associations do this, both in table tennis and other sports.
  3. Create a USATT Coaching Academy to Recruit and Train Professional Coaches. The first step was to create materials needed for such training. A big part of this is one on how to set up and run a full-time training center, which is where most professional coaches work. Yang Yu created the new USATT Club Development Handbook, which I blogged about on June 22. Between that and the Professional Table Tennis Coaches Handbook I wrote (and will donate to the program at cost), I think we have most of the materials needed. I plan to work with the USATT Coaching Committee on this. I may end up recruiting and teaching much of this myself, but I sure hope others can get involved.
  4. Turn U.S. Open and Nationals into Premier Events. The USATT CEO, Gordon Kaye, has taken charge of this. Some of you saw his initial results at the recent US Open, where there were an incredible 1064 players, new events, and the finals at Caesars Palace.
  5. Create a Professional Players Association and Professionalize the Sport. I've had extensive discussions on this with CEO Gordon, and he's taking charge of this one – but it's likely a 2016 initiative.


  1. Mailings to past members. I'll make this proposal once we have something to "sell" – such as regional team leagues.
  2. Hidden Serve Rule. I blogged about this on July 17. As noted there, I've made a proposal to change the rules so that the ball cannot be hidden from the receiver (as is currently the rule) or the entire net (which includes the net posts) and its upward extension. I'm working with someone from the ITTF on this.
  3. Rules changes and the plastic ball. As noted in my election page, other than fixing the service rule I have no interest in other changes to the rules. That doesn't mean I'll blindly be against anything, but new changes have a high threshold to reach to get my support.
  4. USATT Advisory Committees. I have a bylaw proposal to remove "Advisory" from all committee names. We need active committees doing things, not just advising. This will be voted on in the August meeting, along with four other bylaw proposals I've made. (I'll blog about them later on, before the meeting. Note that bylaws proposals need 30 days' notice and 2/3 vote of the entire board, even if some are absent.)
  5. Committee Chairs. Another of my bylaw proposals for August is to extend committee chair term limits from three to four terms, and remove term limits for committee members. We are constantly losing great volunteers because of these term limits – it greatly handicaps us. More on this later.
  6. NCAA Recognition. After some internal discussion, I've concluded this is really an issue for NCTTA, but I will assist them if needed.
  7. Fix rating system. USATT CEO Gordon has already initiated some changes, including a fix to a bug I'd pointed out that allowed situations where players gained rating points by losing, and other problems with the online ratings platform. We appointed a ratings committee at our teleconference this past Monday, with the intent that they will take care of the various problems. (We haven't had a ratings committee in many years.)
  8. Publish USA citizens ranking lists. I'm told this is on the todo list. I'll look into this again this fall.
  9. U.S. Open and U.S. Nationals Info. Again, a work in progress. Hopefully by next year we'll have dates for these events over a year in advance instead of last-minute scrambles.
  10. Bring back print magazine if financially feasible. Well, it wasn't financially feasible, but we found a good compromise – Table Tennis Insider, delivered right to your email.
  11. Let members get on the USATT ballot by petition. I made the bylaw motion at the March 28 board meeting, and it passed (see Item I) – so now any USATT member can run. Remember when ICC's Rajul Seth, Jim Butler, and others were blocked from running? No longer.
  12. Change USATT's Mission Statement. Another of my five bylaw proposals for the August meeting. More on this later.


  1. "Grow the Sport" Initiative. This is a combination of four major issues that go together: Regional Associations, and three things they would oversee in their region: Team Leagues, Training Centers & Professional Coaches, and State Championships. This will be central to all my USATT work this fall.
  2. State Championships. I blogged about this on April 17. Here's the listing of State Championships I put together, with a goal of having them in all 50 states in 2016. Even if we don't get all 50, if we get close, it's a dramatic improvement. CEO Gordon convinced me of the importance of this issue and asked me to take charge. This is part of the "Grow the Sport" initiative (see above).
  3. Junior Olympics. I'm working with someone to try to bring table tennis back to this. More on this later.
  4. Classic Table Tennis Brochure. At our major tournaments we have all these hardbat and sandpaper events. Whether you are interested in them or not I think we need a brochure on hand so people know what the heck is going on, and give info if they are interested in these events. I'm working with the Hardbat Committee to put this together – I already created a draft.
  5. Seeding at Open. We currently seed first by world ranking, and then by rating. The result is we often get highly distorted seeding. If a 2300 player plays in an ITTF junior event, he'll likely get an ITTF rating, which means he has a "world ranking." Most 2600 players do not have world rankings, and so often 2300 players are seeded ahead of 2600 players. Some of the groups at the recent Open were almost silly, where the best player in one group wouldn't be in the top three in another. I'm looking into a limit of how far down the world ranking list we should go before ratings take precedence.


  1. MDTTC work: private and group coaching, afterschool program (starts up again in September), sports psychology work with certain players, sending out regular press releases (leading to lots of recent media coverage). This is my "full-time" job, i.e. the one that pays the bills, along with my books and other stuff I write.  
  2. Blogging Mon-Fri
  3. Tip of the Week on Mondays
  4. Parent's Guide to Table Tennis – I plan to write this book sometime this fall.
  5. ITTF Level 1 Course. I'll likely teach another one here in Maryland. I'll look into it in mid-August. There seems a demand locally. I taught one a few years ago.
  6. Page layouts and photo work for Tim Boggan's History of U.S. Table Tennis books – now 16 volumes. (I also edited Samson Dubina's recent book, "100 Days of Table Tennis.")
  7. – a new project I'm working on where I'd sell table tennis books by anyone, not just me, and perhaps videos. Let's face it, I'm a bibliophile. I even collect table tennis books – 233 of them.
  8. Writing science fiction & fantasy! (I may do a sequel to "The Spirit of Pong," titled "Pongman.")


Deadline to enter the Fall season is July 31, so sign up now! The new season of the Capital Area Team League begins in late September. Last season we had 74 players on 13 teams; let's keep growing! (This is for players in the Washington DC/Maryland/Virginia area. The headline is in CAPs so locals don't miss it.)

Pan Am Games

Serve Practice

While I'm away, don't you even think about not practicing your serves! Here's the productive way to do it

Beat the Pick-Hitter

Here's the new coaching article by Samson Dubina.

Wang Jinxin vs. Adrian Crisan: Analysis of the 2015 US Open Men's Singles Final

Here's the video (8:40) from Expert Table Tennis.

Serve Practice Targets

Here's the video (33 sec).

Shanghai and Stuff – China 2015 (Episode 4)

Here's the new video (5:23) from Nathan Hsu in China. (Previous episodes are linked to the right of the video.)

Table Tennis for You Vol. 1

Here's the video (1:19) from Butterfly, where top players from around the world say, "Table tennis for you!" in English. (Disclosure: I'm sponsored by Butterfly.)

2015 Chinese Super League

Here are some interesting matches, with time between points removed.

2015 Asia-Europe All Stars Challenge Draw

Here's the article and match schedule on the event that'll take place Aug. 1-2 in China.

International Table Tennis

Here's my periodic note (usually every Friday) that you can great international coverage at TableTennista (which especially covers the elite players well) and at the ITTF home page (which does great regional coverage). Butterfly also has a great news page.

How to Weaponize a Ping-Pong Ball

Here's the article from Table Tennis Nation.

Spin, a Susan Sarandon-owned ping pong bar/restaurant, coming to San Francisco

Here's the article.

Puzzle Great in Town for Ping-Pong

Here's the article on Will Shortz, the New York Times puzzle editor, owner of the Westchester TTC, and who's played over 1000 days in a row.

Ping-Pong Ball Monster

Here's the picture! (Here's the non-Facebook version.) I linked to this previously, but I think it got lost in all the other items there, so I'm posting it again since it's such a great picture.

13 Seconds of Water Pong

Here's the video.

Medieval Ping

Here's the video (3:32)!

Send us your own coaching news!

Ogi: The Life of Ichiro Ogimura by Mitsuru Jojima, translated to English by John Senior

I recently read the English translation of this book, which covers the life of perhaps the most influential person in table tennis history. Suffice to say it was a fascinating read. (It was also a great resource for my own table tennis fantasy novel, The Spirit of Pong, which features two chapters where the wannabe American trains with the spirit of Ogimura.)

Ichiro Ogimura of Japan was perhaps the most driven table tennis player in history, and then he became perhaps the most driven coach and then most driven ITTF official in history. He started late, at age 16, but was so single-minded in his training that by age 22 he won the first of his two Men's Singles titles at the Worlds (1954 and 1956). He also won Men's Doubles twice, Mixed Doubles three times, and led Japan to five straight World Men's Team titles. The book chronicles this and everything else about him in great detail, giving both the facts and the spice of his life.

He didn't just train and win titles; he revolutionized the game in numerous ways. When he was developing as a player, the world was dominated by European defenders, such as Richard Bergmann and Johnny Leach; Ogimura developed the penhold attack game and figured out how to defeat these choppers, often going against the advice of coaches – and often getting into trouble for his strong-minded views, which over and over were proven to be correct. For example, against the advice of his coaches, he developed the "51% strategy," whereby if he thought he had a 51% chance of hitting a winner, he took the shot, while his coaches wanted him to play more cautiously. He revolutionized how to train for the sport with a single-minded approach to training – both at the table and physical training away - that led to greatness.

The book covers this all in great detail, showing step-by-step how he went from essentially a novice to world champion. It starts with Ogimura's campaign to get a table tennis club at his high school, despite the sport being thought of at the time as a "girls' sport," and continues as he develops his game and takes on challenge after challenge. It covers his obsession with training, even his constant shadow-practicing away from the table. It covers his other training techniques, such as knocking over a pen with his serve 100 times in a row, and then trying to do it blindfolded; frog jumping 4 kilometers with 40 kilogram weights on his shoulders (that's 2.5 miles and 88 pounds); and his infamous "7 strokes in 5 seconds" drill, covered on pages 210-211.

The book also covers his huge success in training of other players. It also goes over why he is often considered the father not only of Japanese table tennis, but of Chinese and Swedish table tennis. China's first champions developed by studying of his techniques and training, much of it from a table tennis film he created titled "Japanese Table Tennis." He often toured China, training their top players. He also made numerous trips to Sweden, where he trained their best players. Sweden's Stellan Bengtsson went to Japan to train under him as a junior and then went on to win the 1971 Worlds as part of a 30-year reign where Sweden often battled with China for world supremacy.

"Swedish table tennis owes him everything," said Swedish head coach Anders Thunström on page 348.

"Japanese Table Tennis was the perfect textbook for us," said Zhuang Zedong on page 205, who would win three men's singles world titles after seeing the film at age 16. "Watching you and Mr. Tanaka practice made us realize that you do not swing a table tennis racket with your arms; you hit the ball with your feet."

It also covers Ogimura's personal life, including growing up in post-World War II Japan. (He was born in 1932, and was 13 when Japan surrendered.) Much of the book features Hisae, the woman who took Ogimura under her wing during the years he trained at her club. It was a strange relationship, where a club owner fed and did laundry for the high school student, but the partnership paid off in the end. You also learn about Ogimura the person, who liked Louis Armstrong music and Van Gogh paintings, sang "Johnny Boy" at parties, always slept with his socks on, and couldn't straighten out his left arm due to a childhood injury where he fell from a tree. The arm injury caused him to give up gymnastics, and indirectly led to him taking up table tennis.

After his playing career, Ogimura had a long career as an ITTF official starting in 1973, including ITTF president from 1987 until his death at age 62 in 1994 from lung cancer. The book covers his single-minded approach to the problems the sport faced. Included were some of his ideas that would later be taken up by others after his death – including the idea of a larger ball, games to 11, and making speed glue illegal. He was the hidden driving force between the joint North and South Korean team at the 1991 Worlds, and relentlessly tried to use table tennis to get the two countries together again – who knows what would have happened if he had lived longer. He spoke perfect English, which helped in his international travels.

Here are a few of my favorite Ogimura quotes from the book:

  • "What's needed isn't extraordinary ability, but extraordinary effort."
  • "Set a personal best each day."
  • "You mustn't dilly-dally."
  • "Did you know that a ping-pong ball spins faster than an airplane propeller?"
  • "If you don't have the guts to sing a song in front of other people, you'll never win a match."

The bad news: the book is not yet on sale in the US, though it'll likely be on sale at Amazon at some point. The good news: if you don't want to wait, you can order a copy now for $25 (which includes shipping) via Etsuko Enami from the ITTF at, with payment via paypal to that email address. It is on sale in England from Tee's Sport; here's the page where they sell it, where you can also see the cover.

Pan Am Games – USA Women Win Gold!!!

Next up – Men's and Women's Singles.

Thank You - US Open Staff, Partners, Sponsors, Officials, Volunteers and Participants!

Here's the letter from USATT CEO Gordon Key.

The "No Training Partner" Fix

Here's the article from Pong Universe.

Ask the Coach Show

Episode #158 (17:05) – Try the High Toss Serve and other segments.

Fan Zhendong – How to Play the Right Backhand Flick

Here's the video (8:41) on backhand flipping (overseas they usually call it flicking). It's in Chinese but you can learn by watching.

Faulty Serves in Junior Boys' Singles Final at 2015 European Youth Championships

Here's the video (3:37) showing one player getting away with blatantly illegal serves – and then, suddenly, his opponent, with far less illegal serves, is the one who gets faulted. The video harps on the fact that the first player is throwing the ball backwards (i.e. not "near vertical"), but misses something more important – the reason the player is tossing the ball backwards. He's doing it so he can illegally hide contact. Watch closely and you'll see that by tossing the ball sideways he's able to hide the split second of contact behind his chin – that's all that's needed.

National Collegiate Table Tennis Newsletter

Here's the July edition.

Chris Paul Puts on Charity Ping Pong Tournament

Here's the article, with a link to a 30-minute video. NBA players in attendance included Chris Paul, Eric Gordon, Willie Green, Paul Pierce, Nerlens Noel, Al-Farouq Aminu, and CJ Watson, as well as Clippers assistant coach Mike Woodson, and former NBA players Sam Cassell, Jerry Stackhouse, Steve Smith, and Hall of Famer Julius “Dr. J.” Erving.

Former World Champion Liu Wei Conferred with Doctorate

Here's the article on Liu Wei, who teamed with Wang Tao to win three straight world mixed doubles titles (1991-95) as well as a silver medal at the 1996 Olympics, plus she won world titles in women's doubles and teams. She also made the semifinals of the 1995 worlds in singles.

The Long Journey Iowa Ping-Pong Champions Literal Figurative Journey

Here's the article from the Iowa State Daily on Noi Sackpraseuth and his escape from the Laotian Civil War to the U.S.

Designer Challenges Creative Agency to a Ping Pong Match, Lands Dream Internship

Here's the article and pictures.

Absolute Brilliance by Jean-Michel Saive and Jean-Philippe Gatien

Here's the video (51 sec) of these two superstars, the Men's Singles Finalists at the 1993 Worlds (Gatien won) – and they're still looking pretty good!

Dimitrij Ovtcharov vs. Fan Shengpeng: Highlights of the China Super League 2015

Here's the video (3:41).

Dimitrij Ovtcharov – Playing Penhold!

Here's the video (61 sec).

Defense at Its Best

Here's the video (27 sec).

Unbelievable Backhands

Here's the video (14 sec).

Incredible Behind-the-Back Shot

Here's the video (35 sec).

Improvised Beach Table Tennis

Here's the picture. (Here's the non-Facebook version.)

Bad Doggy!

Here's the picture.

Send us your own coaching news!

USATT Board Teleconference

The USATT Board of Directors had a teleconference last night, starting at 7PM Eastern Time and lasting about 70 minutes. As one of the at-large members, I was on the call. Alas, only five of the nine board members were able to make the call – me, Peter Scudner, Anne Cribbs, Ed Hogshead, and Kagin Lee. But five of nine is a quorum, and so the meeting went as scheduled.

I spent perhaps an hour preparing for the meeting – going over the draft of the minutes of the previous meeting and suggested changes, and going over the budget figures from the Audit Committee Report. All looked fine. However, the real time-taker were a pair of two-hour phone calls, one before and one after the teleconference. One was with another USATT official where went over everything about USATT; the other was a more local call about everything about MDTTC, the club I coach at. So basically everything that could possibly be of importance to anyone was discussed on those phone calls. And I still managed to finalize the new MDTTC Newsletter, spend an hour organizing my notes on upcoming USATT plans, and cross off nine other things on my todo list.

Technically, except for a short closed session (to discuss a certain disciplinary matter regarding a member who had apparently done naughty things), the meeting was "open," and I could write all I want about it. But I don't feel comfortable doing that, where as soon as I get off the call I start writing about it, in competition with USATT itself, which also gives out such news. So as in the past, I'll wait until they publish the actions/votes, which should go online in a few days. The actual minutes, which are far more detailed, don't go up until they are approved, which will likely happen on August 22, at the in-person meeting in Chicago. But the gist of the meeting:

  1. We approved the minutes of the previous meeting;
  2. We appointed a new ratings committee – I'll let USATT announce the names first, but the plan is to both to fix up problems with the rating system and perhaps work with Canada so that we can have a joint North American rating system;
  3. Had an Audit Committee Report from Anne Cribbs;
  4. Had an extensive CEO report on the US Open, the Open & Nationals in 2016, Pan Am Games update, Membership, Sponsorship, Fundraising, ITTF Pro Tour, and the World Veterans Championships;
  5. Closed session (shhh!);
  6. Discussed the agenda and plans for the Aug. 22 meeting in Chicago (and we will now likely meet Friday night as well, Aug. 21). I have four bylaw proposals for that meeting, which I'll blog about later;
  7. We voted to liquidate all USATT properties and turn over all assets to the Donald Trump Election Campaign (no wait, I think we voted that one down – my memory is hazy on this one);
  8. Adjourn!!!

Pan Am Games Update

They are in Toronto, with the table tennis July 19-21 (Sun-Tue).

  • Men's Team: Timothy Wang, Kanak Jha, Jimmy Butler, Coach Stefan Feth
  • Women's Team: Jiaqi Zheng, Lily Zhang, Yue Wu, Coach Doru Gheorghe
  • Live Scoring for USA matches
  • USATT home page for the event
  • Day One Results (Sunday)
  • Day Two Results (Monday) – Women reach semifinals, men lose in quarterfinals to Puerto Rico, with Jim Butler hobbling about with a leg injury
  • Article on USA Women reaching the semifinals

Playing as the Underdog

Here's the coaching article by Han Xiao. (This actually went up after I'd left for the US Open on July 4, but somehow I missed seeing it.)

Ask the Coach Show

Episode #157 (32:03) – Correcting Errors and other topics.

Rolling Ball Loop Exercise

Here's the video (42 sec) of a player who has to loop a ball rolled off the edge. It's a good exercise to develop timing and spin contact.

Actions of a Stroke in Modern Table Tennis

Here's the coaching video (20:44) by ITTF Level 2 Coach Phong Pham. (It's listed as "Clinic 2," but I couldn't find "Clinic 1.")

11 Questions with Carl Danner

Here's the USATT interview with the chair of the High Performance Committee.

2015 Hyson Chicago International Open Stirs Excitement for Table Tennis in the Midwest

Here's the article by Barbara Wei.

Table Tennis Coach Lends Renowned Services to Rocky Mountain State Games

Here's the article featuring Richard McAfee in the Colorado Spring Gazette.

Robo Ping-Pong; Stanford Students Design, "Teach" Robots to Play

Here's the article and link to two-minute video. Our robot overlords are almost ready to take over USATT.

World Record for Most Player in Action in an Outdoor Space

Here's the ITTF article on the record set in Ocaña, Spain.

"You don't know how to DANCE but TABLE TENNIS makes you a professional dancer."

Here's the picture (actually, six of them together).

Box of Balls Dropped on Ariel Hsing and Michael Landers

Here's the video (48 sec, mostly in slo-mo) and Ariel's short report on her week in China, where she and Michael did the Ping-Pong Concerto. (See segment on this in yesterday's blog, toward the end.)

The Wristiest Serve Around?

Here's the video (24 sec).

British Open Winner Zach Johnson is a Table Tennis Shark

Here's the article from Table Tennis Nation.

More Minion Pong

Here's a new picture. (Here's the non-Facebook version. For more minions playing table tennis pictures and videos, see the last item in my July 3 blog.)

Send us your own coaching news!

Tip of the Week

The Tricky Side of Table Tennis.

Get to the Root of the Problem

One of the things that always exasperates me is coaches or players who try to fix problems by fixing the symptoms. In many ways, this is what separates a good, experienced coach from, say, a top player who knows proper technique but isn't that experienced in coaching it. When you've coached over 35 years (yikes, that's me!), and pay attention, you learn all sorts of things.

Here's an example. Recently I've coached several players who tend to fall back as they loop forehands. The "simple" solution, of course, is to tell them to focus on rotating around and forward into the ball, i.e. "don't fall back." And I've seen coaches try this many times, and it doesn't work – because they are treating a symptom of a problem rather than the root of the problem. The real question is why is the player falling backwards – and the answer almost every time is that he's too far from the ball, with his left leg too far from the table. And so he's forced to reach a bit forward. The falling back is to keep his balance. Solution: Have the player stand closer to the ball, with the left leg closer to the table. Then he'll have a natural rotation into and through the ball, with no falling backwards and off balance afterwards.

Here's another. Some players struggle to rotate their body backwards (to the right for righties) on the forehand. The more they try, the more awkward they look. I've seen coaches struggle with this, not being able to figure out why the player has so much trouble with something that's so easy for others. And so they'll keep telling the player to rotate more on the forehand. But the player simply can't do the rotation comfortably – the symptom of a problem – because they haven't fixed the root of the problem – which usually is their knees are facing forward. If you watch top players, the knees point somewhat outward in their ready stance, which allows easy rotation in either direction. Here's an example – see how the knees point somewhat sideways, not forward?

And here's another. Often players struggle to get great spin on their serves. Rather than converting most of their energy into spin, and getting slow but super-spinny serves, their serves go long, with only moderate spin. Often they are told to graze the ball more, but when they try, they are unable to do so – because the inability to graze the ball is a symptom of a problem, not the root of the problem. The root of the problem usually is they are contacting the back of the ball, often toward the top. If they want to graze the ball more, they need to contact more under the ball and more on the side. If the player doesn't change his contact point, he'll continue to struggle to graze the ball as his racket will be approaching the ball too directly to graze the ball, resulting in a flatter contact. You can still get moderate spin this way, and many players (and coaches) settle for that, never realizing how they are limiting themselves.

Senior Maryland Couples Star at US Open

Here's the article from the Baltimore Sun featuring Dave & Donna Sakai and Charlene Liu & Changping Duan. The Sun has been very good about featuring table tennis over the years – you just need to send them press releases.

Pan Am Games

They are in Toronto, with the table tennis July 19-21 (Sun-Tue). Here's the USATT Pan Am home page, with lots of info. Here's a USOC article on the USA table tennis team. Here's an ITTF press release. Here are photos taken during Pan Am Processing by USA Men's coach Stefan Feth. Here are USA Day One results.

Control Versus Leverage

Here's the new coaching article by Han Xiao.

Serve Return: Learn it to return it!

Here's the new coaching article by Samson Dubina.

Matt Hetherington Training in China

Here are three blog entries and two videos he's put online of his training at the Zhengding National Table Tennis Center in China.

Ask the Coach Show

Episode 156 (16:05) – "Our Worst Show to Date" and other topics

Using Various Implements to Develop Deep Serves

Here's the video (74 sec) as players use different items on the table as targets.

Dimitrij Ovtcharov Training

Here's video (3:03).

Surprising Applications of the Magnus Effect

Here's a video (3 min) that shows how spin effects a ball, using a spinning basketball dropped off the Gordon Dam in Tasmania as an example. This is the same effect that causes a ping-pong ball to curve when spun, such as topspin pulling the ball down.

US Open Marriage Proposal

After the Men's Final at the US Open, the winner, Wang Jinxin, proposed to his girlfriend – right there at the table, in front of the crowd! His girlfriend was overcome with emotion at his upset victory, and so he carried her onto the court, and then announced that he didn't have a ring but could use the trophy instead! She said yes. Here's video of the entire match (49:23). At 42:12 Wang steps over the barriers and carries her onto the court. At 47:22 he says he forgot the ring, and then asks if he can use the trophy in its place, and asks her to marry him.

Voters are Turning to Table Tennis to Decide the Next President

Here's the article from MSNBC. Leading the poll is Hillary Clinton at 32%. (Here's a picture of her and Bill playing table tennis.) In second place at "almost a quarter"? Donald Trump. (Sorry, no ping-pong pictures, but I'm guessing he'll get great spin if he uses that thing on his head as a racket covering.) So there you have it – it'll be Hillary vs. the Donald in the general election. The (ping-pong) polls have spoken.

Wang Hao Tutorial: The Penhold Hook Serve

Here's the video (4:44).

Zhang Jike Kicked Out of Chinese Super League?

Here's the article from Tabletennista.

Ping Pong Concerto

Here's video (2:07) and some really great photos from the world premiere of this concert on July 18 (Saturday) by Andy Akiho, which combines music and table tennis on the Shanghai stage, and stars American table tennis players Ariel Hsing and Michael Landers.

Soccer Players Take on the Chinese

Here's video (3:45) of Thomas Müller and Philipp Lahm (members of the Bayern Munich Football team – that's soccer to Americans) take on Chinese stars Ding Ning, Wang Hao, and coach Liu Guoliang.

Great Under-the-Leg Counterhit

Here's the video (35 sec).

Ping-Pong Canoeing

Here's the picture. (Here's the non-Facebook version.)

Ping-Pong Ball Monster

Here's the picture! (Here's the non-Facebook version.)

More Mike Mezyan Pictures

NOTE - If you are unable to see these pictures, all you have to do is join the Table Tennis Group - it's easy! Here are all the past, present, and (soon) future pictures he's collected. (I pick out his best ones for here - he has more.)

Send us your own coaching news!

Illegal Hidden Serves

As I've blogged a number of times, cheating is rampant in our sport when it comes to serving. At the higher levels, over half of matches involve a player hiding his serve, i.e. cheating. Here's what I wrote about this two days ago, after the U.S. Open:

"Once again I came away from a major tournament disgusted at all the cheating – in particular, players hiding serves. Why do they do it? Because it helps them win and they get away with it. They may fool the umpires, who aren't sure if the serve is hidden (which is synonymous with saying the serve is illegal, but that's the least enforced rule in table tennis), but they don't fool coaches and experienced players, who know who the cheaters are. It's common at the world-class level, of course, but that was also true of, say, steroids. Does that mean we should copy those who cheat? I have no objection to someone hiding their serve if their opponent does it first and the umpire doesn't call it. It's the ones who do it first, with the sole intent of winning by cheating, that disgusts me. A player I coached lost two matches because of this cheating – learning to return them is going to become a major part of his training. (Note that few players hide the serve every time. The norm is to use border-line serves early on, to numb the umpire to such serves, and pull out the hidden ones several times a game and at key points at the end. I have video and still pictures showing many of these players hiding their serve.)"

As I've blogged many times, the rules, while very clear, are not easy for umpire to enforce. From their angle, it's hard to see when a player is serving if the ball is hidden or not as players will often serve borderline serves over and over to establish the "legality" of the serve, and then hide the serve at key points. And so they don't call the hidden serves, when in reality, they should not only be calling them, but the borderline ones they aren't sure about as well.

The serving rules state:

2.06.04: "From the start of service until it is struck, the ball … shall not be hidden from the receiver by the server or his or her doubles partner or by anything they wear or carry."

2.06.06: "It is the responsibility of the player to serve so that the umpire or the assistant umpire can be satisfied that he or she complies with the requirements of the Laws…"

And even more importantly: "If either the umpire or the assistant umpire is not sure about the legality of a service he or she may, on the first occasion in a match, interrupt play and warn the server; but any subsequent service by that player or his or her doubles partner which is not clearly legal shall be considered incorrect."

So it's really simple: If an umpire isn't sure if a serve is legal, that's exactly the same as saying the serve is illegal. And so it's either a warning (allowed one time) or a fault.

But the problem here is human nature, where umpires don't want to call the serve unless they are certain the ball is actually hidden. So how do we fix this problem? By changing the serving rule so it becomes obvious if the server is trying to hide the ball from the receiver.

There's a simple way of doing it – require that the ball cannot be hidden from the receiver (as currently required), and from the entire net assembly and its upward extension. (The net assembly includes the net posts.) Suddenly serves that are hidden from a receiver are obviously hidden from one of the net posts.

For example, if a righty tries to hide his serve from a receiver standing across the table from him, it's obvious he's hiding it from the net post way over on his left. The lines from the ball to a typical righty receiver and the ball to the left net post is about 90 degrees. If he's serving to a lefty in a typical ready position, it's about 45 degrees.  I've tested this rule at my club, and other almost universally agree it solves the problem.

Here's the proposal:

Current Rule:
02.06.04: From the start of service until it is struck, the ball shall be above the level of the playing surface and behind the server's end line, and it shall not be hidden from the receiver by the server or his or her doubles partner or by anything they wear or carry.  

Proposed Rule (additions bracketed in bold):
02.06.04: From the start of service until it is struck, the ball shall be above the level of the playing surface and behind the server's end line, and it shall not be hidden from the receiver[, or any part of the net assembly and its upward extension,] by the server or his or her doubles partner or by anything they wear or carry. 

As I've blogged before, I already made this proposal to an ITTF official, who said he will propose it to a new group or task force that is looking to fix the rule. Hopefully something will come of it, and they'll either adopt this rule or some other one that fixes this problem. I also plan to create a page dedicated to the proposal.

And now, the Contest. I need a catchy name for the new rule. So far my best one is the "Serve Always VisiblE" rule – SAVE. I've also tried finding one using SANE, with the S and N perhaps standing for Serve and Net, but nothing really works. So here's my challenge to you: Come up with a catchy acronym name for this new serving rule! Submit yours in the comments below.

If I choose your submission, you'll both get credited for it here in the blog, and I'll send you a signed FREE copy of any of my books. Let the Contest Begin!!!

Navin Kumar: Paralympics Hopeful Credits Table Tennis for Helping with Parkinson's

Here's the video (2:59) of Navin, the "Bionic Man," from NBC News. He also has a partially mechanical heart. He's a student of mine. That's me hitting with him throughout the video, and I'm interviewed briefly.

Ant-Man Pong

I saw the movie "Ant-Man" last night, and like seemingly every recent movie (including Minions, which came out last week), it had a table tennis scene. [Minor spoiler alert.] It started when Ant-Man (full-sized) arrives at an outdoor party, where they are playing ping-pong by a pool. Later he uses the paddle to smack his rival, the shrunken Yellowjacket.

Top Ten "We Are Butterfly" Clubs

My club, MDTTC, was #1 in the country in the "We Are Butterfly" rankings for June, meaning our pro shop sold more Butterfly equipment than any other club that month. For the year we are #2 in the country – here are those rankings, where we only trail the WAB Shop in the Canadian Chinese TTA (not USA, so doesn't count), and the Lily Yip TTC in NJ. Curse you, LYTTC!!! We were only #6 last year and #8 the year before, so we're movin' on up. (Disclosure: both MDTTC and I are sponsored by Butterfly.) 

Ask the Coach Show

Episode #155 (23:50) – Rubber Suited for Plastic Balls

Podcast Interview with Paul Drinkhall: England's #1

Brazilian Team Physical Training

Here's the video (1:26) as they prepare for the Pan Am Games, which start next week.

Getting Help: Learn 5 Necessary Steps to Receiving FREE Equipment

Here's the article by Samson Dubina.

Table Tennis Rule Changes – the Ball

Here's the article.

USATT, Reshaping Tournaments in the United States

Here's the article from Pong Universe.

Fan Zhendong Multiball

Here's the video (32 sec) of the Chinese star doing random multiball.

Ma Long – How to Play the Right Backhand Topspin

Here's the video (9:12). It's in Chinese, but you can learn just by watching.

USATT Board of Directors Teleconference Minutes

Here are the votes from the June 15, 2015 teleconference.

Ping-Pong Champs are Intuitive Masters of Fluid Dynamics

Here's the article from Science Daily. (It's from 2012, but I don't think I ever linked to it.)

95-Year-Old Ping-Pong Champion

Here's the video (1:37) of this World War II veteran from Wyoming. (It's from January, but I don't think I ever linked to it.)

International Table Tennis

Here's my periodic note (usually every Friday) that you can great international coverage at TableTennista (which especially covers the elite players well) and at the ITTF home page (which does great regional coverage). Butterfly also has a great news page.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Playing Table Tennis

Here's the new video (46 sec).

Adoni Maropis on His Knees

Here's video (57 sec) of hardbat & sandpaper champion and actor Adoni Maropis at the U.S. Open, as he falls to the ground but continues playing a spectacular point on his knees. I'm just off camera, watching on the right. Yeah, he's the guy that nuked Valencia, CA, in season 6 of "24."

Table Tennis Postcard from 1909

Here's the picture. (Here's the non-Facebook version.)

More Mike Mezyan Pictures

NOTE - If you are unable to see these pictures, all you have to do is join the Table Tennis Group - it's easy! Here are all the past, present, and (soon) future pictures he's collected. (I pick out his best ones for here - he has more.)

Send us your own coaching news!

IN SIGHT - Initiating New Serving Instructions Guaranteeing Higher Transparency

hello everyone, hello Larry,


a new bad example of illegal serves :  Mr  Fegerl previous week in Pologn.  very hidden serves, aren't they ?

where are the referees ? It is a masquerade ? a fake rule ?

see you , bye

(the french "translator", ludovic)

Forehand Pendulum Serves

There are four primary reasons the forehand pendulum serve is by far the most popular serve among top players.

First, it's easy to hide contact (illegally) – I've blogged about this a number of times, and won't go into that here. (The solution? As I've proposed, require that the ball be visible throughout the serve to the opponent – as is currently required – and the entire net and its upward extension. The net posts are considered part of the net.)

Second, it's very easy to produce great spin and variation with the serve.

Third, every generation of up-and-coming players copies the previous generation of top players, and since the forehand pendulum serve was the most popular serve among the previous generation, the new generation copies it.

Fourth, it allows players the option of doing a reverse pendulum serve, which gives the opposite sidespin. You can also do this sidespin with other serving motions, such as backhand or tomahawk serves, but when you do that you are pretty much announcing to your opponent which type of sidespin you will be using. (You can, of course, develop reverse backhand and reverse tomahawk serves, but they are trickier and few do this.) It's probably easier to set up for a forehand pendulum serve and be ready to serve with either type of sidespin than with any other serving motion.

And yet, so many up-and-coming players use the forehand pendulum serve but don't learn the reverse version. Not learning this variation is a really good way of limiting your serving effectiveness, and if that is your goal, then by all means avoid reverse pendulum serves. But if you want to increase your serving effectiveness, and have a forehand pendulum serve, then what are you waiting for? Learn the reverse pendulum serve. (Hint – it's most effective when you can do it short to the forehand and long to the backhand. To go short, graze the ball very finely more under the ball.)

Here's a video from PingSkills (3:25) that illustrates this with Zhang Jike's serve, where he can contact the ball going either way. (When he contacts the ball with the racket moving away from the body, that's a reverse pendulum serve.) Here's video (21:03, but you don't have to watch all of it) of Zhang Jike's serve in slow motion.

Side note – it's not all just about the sidespin. Make sure to learn to serve both of these variations with backspin or no-spin. The poor receiver not only has to read what type of sidespin might be on the ball (or not), but also whether there's backspin or not. A no-spin serve with a big motion that looks like spin is just as effective as a spin serve that's misread. A no-spin serve that looks like backspin is popped up, while a backspin serve that looks like no-spin is put into the net. Here's an article on how to do a no-spin serve.

I can't believe I wasted the above on a blog entry – this should be a Tip of the Week!!! I'll like expand on it and turn it into one later on.

US Open Men's and Women's Singles Final

Yesterday I linked to videos of each of the games of the Men's Singles Final at the US Open. Here are complete videos of that and the Women's Singles Final.

Around-the-Net Shot by Wang Jinxin at the 2015 US Open Men's Singles Final

Here's the video (27 sec).

US Open Ratings Processed – That Was Fast!!!

Here they are. The tournament finished on Saturday, and the ratings were up on Wednesday for over 1000 players. 

Thoughts on Table Tennis

Here's a huge listing of table tennis articles, many of them coaching articles.

Ask the Coach Show

While I was away at the US Open there were six more of these shows from PingSkills. Here they are!

Training in China

Here's the second blog entry from Matt Hetherington.

Zhang Jike – How to Play the Right Forehand Topspin

Here's the new video (5:09). It's in Chinese, but you don't need to listen, just watch.

Wang Hao – Grip for Forehand-Backhand Transition

Here's the video (1:52) showing how penholders switch back and for between forehand and reverse penhold backhand (which these days is really the conventional backhand).

USATT Insider

Here's the new issue which came out yesterday.

Mankato Woman, 91, Is Never Too Old for Table Tennis

Here's the article from the Minnesota Star-Tribune.

Hardbat: The Physics of Ping-Pong

Here's the trailer (50 sec) of this Indy movie that's listed as "coming soon." Here's the IMDB listing, which shows it came out in 2014. It's 13 minutes long, and described as, "An obsession with ping-pong disrupts an otherwise pleasant evening."

Exploding Ping-Pong Balls on the Jimmy Fallen Show

Here's the video (5:56). The actual explosion takes place at 5:11.

Actor John Malkovich's Funny Story about Michael Jordan and Table Tennis

Here's the article.

Table Tennis Funny Show

Here's the video (20:33).

USATT Member Frank Caliendo Does Donald Trump Impression

Here's the video (1:49) from ESPN. Frank, USATT member # 85108, has a rating of 1665. He and Sean O'Neill (Frank on right) made the semifinals of Under 4200 Doubles at the US Open. (Here's the non-Facebook version.) Frank's been to my club a few times (MDTTC) when he's in town for his stand-up shows, and last year I got to play doubles with him there.

Cyber Table Tennis in China

Here's the video (2:14).

Send us your own coaching news!