August 22, 2011
Tip of the Week
Strategic Versus Tactical Thinking.
MDTTC Coaching Camp - Day Ten
- Friday was Day Ten and the last day of our second MDTTC two-week camp of the summer.
- While working with the beginners (mostly age 8-10), I brought out "Froggy," a large and very realistic rubber frog, which I put on the table for target practice. We divided the group into two teams of four, and while I fed balls with multiball, they took turns trying to hit it. Team A won over Team B, 21-17. I brought it out several more times as the kids seemed to take great pleasure in hitting the poor frog.
- We ran a tournament for most of the players, but I again took the beginners separately, as they weren't really ready for a tournament. Instead, I brought out two bags of candy - hard candy and Hershey's chocolate kisses - and spread them on the table. I spent much of the afternoon feeding multiball as the kids tried to knock them off. When they did, they got the candy!
- This was MDTTC's last camp of the summer. Our next camp is our Christmas Camp, Dec. 26-31.
Oh my aching back!
Yes, the two weeks of camp has turned my back into a battlefield tourist attraction on a par with Gettysburg. If anyone can pull the twisted sword out of my back, I will make you king of England.
On Tuesday at 2PM I'll finally see the physical therapist for the first of many sessions. I won't be playing any table tennis for six weeks - I have others coming in to do my hitting when I coach. (I've already started this - John Olsen did my hitting for me during two sessions, and John Hsu will be helping out soon.) I'll give periodic updates here. (For those who haven't been following this blog religiously - what's wrong with you?!!! - my back's been killing me for months to the point where I can barely play anymore.)
Looking forward to practice sessions
Do you (or your students) look forward to practice sessions? Why or why not? Those who do usually improve; those who don't, don't. (Well, usually.) Players who can't wait to get to the practice session are where future champions come from. If you or a player you coach doesn't seem to look forward to practice sessions, perhaps it's time to add some variety. Push their limits - have them try more advanced shots, even if you don't think they are ready for them yet.
Canadian Junior and Cadet Open
It was held this weekend in Vancouver. Here is the web page with results.
Holy Heart-Pumping Ping-Pong!
This 15-minute video is about the best action-packed table tennis video I've ever seen, compiling many of the best points ever played. After watching this, you'll either be ready to beat the best Chinese or you'll be spraying (attempted) world-class shots all over the court.
George Hendry, RIP
Here's Tim Boggan's article on George Hendry (table tennis legend who died last week), from the May/June 1996 issue of Table Tennis World. You'll have to zoom in to read the text. It includes some very nice pictures.
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Here are other articles on Hendry:
- USATT Hall of Fame Perspective by Tim Boggan and Dean Johnson (loads slowly)
- USATT Hall of Fame Profile by Tim Boggan
- Obit in St. Louis Today
- Friday's blog, where I wrote about Hendry, including my Ode to George Hendry from 1992.
Send us your own coaching news!
Re: August 22, 2011
The note I wrote above on the George Hendry article said, "It includes some very nice articles." That should have read "...very nice pictures." I fixed it.